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Message to Peters Elementary Families

Posted Date: 03/30/2021

Message to Peters Elementary Families

A Message from Principal Weese

Peters Families,

Spring has arrived and I hope you all are enjoying this gorgeous weather. This week we are hosting our spring conference nights. Our goal is to have 100% parent participation, so if you have not scheduled your time to meet with your child's teacher, please reach out today.

This Friday, April 2nd, will be a virtual day for the students. Ipads or laptops will be sent home at dismissal on Thursday. This will allow for students to access their Seesaw accounts for lessons/assignments on Friday. Devices and charges must be returned to school Monday morning, April 5th as we use these every day in class.

PTA will have their next meeting on Thursday, April 15th, at 6:00pm through zoom. More information to come along with a zoom link closer to the date. During this meeting, we will be voting on the new officers for the 2021-2022 school year. I would like to thank our current officers for all they have done and continue to do along with supporting us through this pandemic. I know this year has looked quite different and we are so grateful for PTA and parents!

We have state testing coming up for third, fourth, and fifth graders. The Oklahoma State Test testing sessions will begin on April 6 through May 14. Please be sure that your student is getting plenty of rest and eating healthy so that they can be at their best during test time.

OST has a practice portion that is available to students to practice during school and at home if they so wish. See below for the link and step-by-step directions on how to access the practice test. Teachers will have additional information to forward to parents later this week.

How to access the OSTP practice test (state test):

Step 1: Click on the below link to access the practice OSTP state test.

Step 2: Chose OSTP practice test from the drop-down box

Step 3: Then choose your grade's ELA (English language arts) or Math practice test

Step 4: Practice

If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact Dana Smith at 918-357-6735 or [email protected]

See Peters Newsletter